What is the Importance of Dental Exams and Cleanings?

Are dental exams and cleanings really important? Actually, they're more than "important." They're a necessary part of oral hygiene. For one thing, dentists are the only ones who are qualified to evaluate your dental health. You, for instance, do not have the training to diagnose or treat dental problems. This must be done by scheduling regular dental exams. …

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Top Tips and Tricks to Prepare Your Child for their Dental Visit

Top Tips and Tricks to Prepare Your Child for their Dental Visit.

Every parent wants the best for their child, including great oral health. Taking children to the dentist at an early age is crucial to help keep their teeth and gums healthy. But for the little ones, their first trip the dentist can be a little scary, filled with unfamiliar sounds, objects, and people. To help …

Read more Top Tips and Tricks to Prepare Your Child for their Dental Visit.

replace missing tooth

I have a tooth that is missing. What are my options for replacing my tooth?

IMPLANTS are considered the gold standard for replacing teeth. An implant is a titanium screw that is placed into the jaw. While it sounds scary, most patients are surprised how easy the appointment and healing is for them. An implant acts as an individual tooth and will stimulate the bone to keep bone loss from …

Read more I have a tooth that is missing. What are my options for replacing my tooth?

Cypress Dental straight teeth

There’s more to straight teeth than a perfect smile

Have you ever considered getting braces, clear aligners/Invisalign, or orthodontic treatment? There are more than just esthetic benefits to having straight teeth. There are many health benefits as well: Better Oral Care: When your teeth are aligned properly it is much easier to keep them clean. Crowding can make it more difficult to get your …

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What causes tooth staining and discoloration?

Have you ever had tooth staining or discoloration that you couldn’t remove with your toothbrush and floss? Do you notice your teeth get visibly whiter after a complete dental cleaning by a dental professional? It’s very likely that you are experiencing some staining on your teeth. Tooth discoloration and stains can happen for a variety …

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What constitutes a dental emergency during COVID-19?

During this COVID-19 outbreak, CDSBC has mandated all dental offices to only treat dental emergencies and that all non-essential and elective dental treatment should be postponed. We are adapting to this situation by limiting the types of care provided, practicing social distancing, and reducing rate of transmission. Everyone needs to do their part to flatten …

Read more What constitutes a dental emergency during COVID-19?